Many see preschool as just another word for babysitting or childcare services. While we care for your little one while you're away, studies have shown that providing children with an enriching environment and instilling the foundation of fundamental skills and education can have far-reaching benefits throughout their continued development and adulthood.
Little Friends Child Development Center in
Albemarle, NC, is here to be a bastion of childcare mixed with social and educational enrichment. Our class is open to children between the ages of two and four. Please schedule a consultation with our staff here today by calling
704-983-6610 to learn more about our services and enrollment options.
To ensure your child has a safe and nurturing space to explore and grow through this delicate phase, our facilities offer the following:
Teacher Directed Activities
Potty Training
Healthy Meals (Breakfast & Lunch)
Teacher Directed Afternoon Snacks
Hands-on Learning
Outdoor Activities
Shapes, Colors, Numbers
Education and learning don't need to be limited to just time spent in the classroom. Our curriculum seeks to blend both structured learning within the classroom and hands-on educational experiences through interactive games and play. This allows us to instill the essential foundation for math, reading, and verbal skills in a fun environment to improve retention when presented with the same scenarios in class.
Phone: 704-983-6610
Address: 1210 Freeman Ave Albemarle, NC